(1) Though this is not possible under all circumstances, this is relevant when you are going for an interview for a college admission.
(2) The 17 year old's application to study medicine was rejected after an interview at Magdalen College, Oxford.
(4) A Sukhum paper sent a reporter to interview him.
(5) When reporters went to interview her about the campaign they found her in a distressed state.
(6) I thought they were done when men and women with cameras and notebooks started coming in one at a time to interview me for the local papers.
(7) Iranian television news carried an interview with a woman who had lost uncles and aunts and her two children, while her husband had suffered a broken back and legs.
(8) Reporters all stormed forward trying to interview her.
(9) She has a job interview
(10) I spoke to the Spanish wire service and that led to an interview with a Mexican radio station, which was quite interesting.
(11) I've also asked reporters to interview me, sometimes first sketching a hypothetical scenario.
(12) We even got some calls on the answering machine from some reporters who wanted to interview me.
(13) The clever woman identified herself as a Washington reporter seeking to interview me but then embarked on a filthy tirade.
(14) After my exclusive interview with the pigs' owner, every journalist was after him.
(15) I was the first person that got to interview her after her fall.
(17) They interview well and everything, and then when they come to writing, it is like, and duhu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac
(18) Yes, but if you read more than just the cover of the books of the people that you interview you would know more about the book.
(19) Three potential students have already been invited for an interview at the college next week.
(20) He also gave an interview with a Dutch radio station, the web audio transcript of which a Dutch friend kindly located for me.