(1) The digital output eliminates noise caused by such interference by keeping the signal in digital form throughout.
(2) Concerns about government interference in church life
(3) This is a particularly apt description, which conjures up the image of a radio whose reception is disrupted by some outside source of interference .
(4) The literature supplied with these machines mentions potential interference by other reductants.
(5) In college, pass interference is a 15-yard penalty - period.
(6) The funding will also support research into broadband radio observations such as how to eliminate radio frequency interference .
(7) This not only includes the new WiFi devices, but microwave ovens and other appliances that cause radio interference .
(8) It appeared as if the A's were about to put together a rally, but Parker was called out for batter-runner interference even though he was never struck by the baseball.
(9) The GAA has allowed physical interference off the ball as part of the game.
(10) They knew interference when they saw it, and made sure to let Scott know how unhappy they were.
(11) The next time you experience hum, buzz, radio or television interference , attach a snap-on ferrite clamshell to the cable where it goes into a device.
(12) This legislation makes it clear that that sort of ministerial interference cannot occur again.
(13) He makes it clear this applies as long as there is no outside interference .
(14) The radio crackled with interference and she switched it off.
(15) This makes wireless networks more immune to interference from other radio signals than if they transmitted on a single frequency.
(16) Hamilton did hit Lewis, but pass interference is legal behind the line of scrimmage.
(17) The team almost never gets flagged for defensive pass interference .
(18) He denied that there had been any interference in the country's internal affairs
(19) Wireless networks are subject to interference that can slow the system down.
(20) Every time you start your car ignition it causes interference to the radio band - so it's a very confusing technical issue.