(1) Breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties
(1) As a result, the fly provides the first evidence that two different animal species can interbreed and evolve into a new, distinct animal if their hybrid moves to a new habitat, the study suggests.
(2) He says pet rabbits have a habit of digging their way to freedom, especially if kept outside in a garden, and that they often interbreed with native populations.
(3) If this process goes on long enough, parent and daughter species can no longer interbreed , and there results a new species.
(4) Farmed fish regularly and in increasing numbers escape into the wild where they interbreed , spread diseases to native species and dilute the natural gene pool.
(5) Because they are free to interbreed , the wild stock is of more or less mixed origin.
(6) The populations in the various parts of the world ocean are all genetically separate subspecies and, while they may co-mingle in breeding grounds, they rarely if ever interbreed .
(7) With closely related animals that can interbreed , it's not unusual for the dominant species to absorb the other, Trinkaus says.
(8) These races can interbreed but they never produce halfbreeds.
(9) The biological definition of a species states that if two races interbreed they belong in the same species.
(10) He said that two organisms belonged to the same species if they are able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
(11) Organisms from distinct but closely related species may be able to interbreed .
(12) These wild oxen appear to have made no detectable contribution to the domestic gene pool; they did not interbreed with their domestic contemporaries.
(13) This helps explain why the success of hybrids is so variable and also why some species can, and others cannot, interbreed .
(14) There are 54 to 58 species of Motacillidae, some of which interbreed .
(15) The rats offer several advantages to researchers: the rodents are a distinct species from later European stowaways, and therefore did not interbreed .
(16) Wolves and dogs can interbreed
(17) When the three species come into contact, they defend territories from one another and do not interbreed .
(18) Although the territories of populations overlap, they do not interbreed .
(19) If both types inhabit the same place in the field, they usually interbreed .
(20) It is part of a complex of closely related gull species that interbreed readily.