TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 19
Primates such as ourselves have a natural instinct...
সত্ত্ব, প্রেরণা, উপজ্ঞা, সহজাত ধারণা, সহজপ্রবৃত্তি, সহজাত সংস্কার
অনুপ্রাণিত, উদ্বুদ্ধ, পূর্ণ
(1) (followed by `with'
(2) (followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated
(1) Inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli,gut feeling,idea
(2) Inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
(3) Gut feeling
(4) Idea
(1) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It took years of practice and discipline and a lot of patience for me to develop the instinct for it,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said Singhania.
(2) She has a natural instinct to work hard
(3) Every renunciation of instinct now becomes a dynamic source of conscience and every fresh renunciation increases the latter's severity and intolerance.
(4) The interest in the game arises from a natural instinct for attack and defence.
(5) What she found there was the same thing she found in every other vampire's eyes: the cold chill of death and an instinct to kill.
(6) My first instinct was to hit him
(7) It wasn't demeaning, or if it was, it hurt him more, as I came off the carnal innocent, surviving only on instinct not knowledge.
(8) But children have a survival instinct for accommodating whatever situation they find themselves in, and even this one begins to normalise around Michele.
(9) But was her affection for him, her obvious attraction to him, based solely upon an instinct to reproduce and justify her feminine role in society?
(10) Her instinct warned her to stay clear of the pope's offer, however transparent its sincerity.
(11) I am one of the great army of black youth of this country who feels with the intuitive instinct of the oppressed, that a crisis is imminent.
(12) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510You've certainly not got a natural instinct for this,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he says in his blunt way.
(13) How else to explain what seems to be an instinct to judge the moment and react accordingly?
(14) In allowing chance to dictate the making of the image and being totally dependent on instinct , this process becomes interestingly unique.
(15) But the Americans said instinct might take over.
(16) She's got an instinct for languages
(17) Calm objectivity combined with idealistic vision results in a genuine interest for scientific ingenuity and a natural instinct for fair-mindedness.
(18) Their instinct is to fight back
(19) In fact, instinct usually lets you know whether a child is essentially happy with a care arrangement or whether that morning misery will last the rest of the day.
(20) The simplest form of our self-preservation instinct warns us of these possibilities.
natural tendency
inherent tendency
sixth sense
The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 19
Primates such as ourselves have a natural instinct...