বিশেষ করা, প্রভেদ করা, একটি বাছিয়া লত্তয়া
(1) Make or mark or treat as individual
(2) Make personal or more personal
(3) Make or mark aor treat as individual
(1) From the moment Henry Ford I started mass producing cars, motorists began en masse to individualize their own particular vehicle.
(2) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510People who wear jewelry want to individualize themselves, to show who they are as a person,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb said Jones.
(3) When attempts are made to individualize the characters, their personality quirks seem half-hearted and copied from any number of other war movies.
(4) She wanted individualize herself; but going at it in such a generic matter ruined the exclusivity.
(5) This requires individualized social work interventions.
(6) Sprinters are pretty individualised , and I didn't think I needed it.
(7) The specific therapies were individualized for each patient.
(8) Durkheim attributes the process of individualization of property in turn to two processes.
(9) Using these tools, physicians can revamp and refine tumor classification to enable more individualized treatments.
(10) This virtualisation of the worker and the individualisation of skills seems to contradict traditional work teams, but it really takes teamwork to another level.
(11) This individualization fits well with the new, unconventional protest movement, which favors small, interactive actions over mass demonstrations.
(12) Following the clinical perspective of the program the aftercare sessions are also individualized to fit the needs of the client.
(13) And few areas sound more cutting-edge than individualized medicine.
(14) The authors report that the Web made it easier to structure the course so students were able to get immediate and individualized feedback.
(15) The plan is called an IEP, or individualized education plan.
(16) A highly individualized program is required to meet the specific needs of the child.
(17) Since everyone's hair is uniquely their own, the hair care systems that they select must also be individualized and personalized.
(18) In other words, we are at that stage of individualization that you in Europe were at a couple of centuries ago.
(19) What modern democracies have given us however, in contrast to previous generations, are endless possibilities for individualisation .
(20) Fourteen studies reported individualized preparation, three studies reported group preparation, and five did not specify.