(1) There was little to admire in the opening exchanges, the game was a shapeless mass, undefined and indistinct .
(2) By night, strange, murky, shady, characters emerge from the indistinct , nebulous corners.
(3) To my left, as I came up higher, I began to see the sea, and had a clear view of Newhaven, though the horizon was more or less indistinct .
(4) But he hoped that as he writes more, his voice will become more indistinct .
(5) Life here is shrinking, the horizons drawing in, and the backdrop to our small world seems to be fading and becoming indistinct .
(6) First we see a blur on a snowy landscape, followed by an indistinct grey shadow hovering beyond the window of the child's bedroom.
(7) The wave-like shapes of the far hills were already indistinct .
(8) How vague and indistinct and undefined the ideas of most men are upon the subject!
(9) The field in front of her swam and became fuzzy and indistinct .
(10) It was all a bit indistinct , but I could make out definite phrases.
(11) Much of the time, leading edge scientific research is indistinct and hazy.
(12) The letters on fakes are sometimes indistinct or unevenly spaced.
(13) Turn right here and follow the very indistinct path through heather keeping the boggy babbling brook immediately to your right.
(14) Looking at his performances in the past 15 years or so, several seem vague and indistinct .
(15) The figures are too indistinct to seem threatening, yet their continued presence is, all the same, unnerving.
(16) From this point to the summit the path is indistinct in places.
(17) The path from here is very indistinct , and non-existent in places, so great care should be taken after leaving the track.
(18) It was not the usual indistinct crackle of a far-off transmission, but a crystal-clear whistle as if someone was on her boat.
(19) But it was an indistinct blur of grey through the doorway of the Archives building.
(20) We have this misty, murky indistinct reason for being there.