কর্তক দন্ত, কৃন্তক
(1) A tooth for cutting or gnawing; located in the front of the mouth in both jaws
(2) A tooth for cutting or gnawing
(3) Located in the front of the mouth in both jaws
(1) In contrast to man, apes tend to have large incisor and canine teeth which are relatively larger than their molars.
(2) During the teenage years, boys and girls get each of their top four incisor teeth filed to a point.
(3) During the struggle it is believed the woman may have knocked out the man's lower front incisor - such a tooth was found at the scene and is being examined by forensic experts.
(4) He opened his mouth to show a gap in the front of his mouth where an incisor should have been.
(5) Generally, the front, incisor and canine teeth have one canal, premolars have two canals and the back molar teeth have three.
(6) All animals in this order lack incisor and canine teeth, but they may have numerous simple molars in the backs of their jaws.
(7) The first measurements they took were the length of the hard palate, from the first premolar to the last incisor .
(8) Two more chimpanzee teeth were later found at the site, an upper incisor and a tooth tentatively identified as a molar.
(9) Firmly embedded in his forehead were two human incisors - mementos left by his would be robber.
(10) Our teeth include incisors and canines designed for tearing flesh.
(11) About a quarter of the tusk - a greatly elongated upper incisor tooth - resides in the animal's head.
(12) Those are the things that the front teeth, the incisors act on in order to regulate the bite size that goes into the mouth.
(13) The upper lateral incisors may be duplicated and the development of four molars or two supernumerary premolars may also occur.
(14) Billy has been left with only eight back teeth and his two front incisors , which dentists say are so badly decayed they will fall out in months.
(15) The molars' purpose is to grind food, and the incisors and canine teeth are used to bite into and tear food.
(16) The teeth most often missing are the third molars, second premolars, and maxillary lateral incisors , and other teeth may be reduced in size.
(17) Not too surprisingly, it had broad upper incisors and chisel-shaped lower incisors .
(18) Moles have small, sharp incisors and canine teeth that are used for catching and eating grubs and earthworms.
(19) It is usually the incisors (front teeth) but the molars can also become deformed.
(20) The lower jawbone of the hippopotamus reveals six incisor teeth, whereas the hippopotamus that survives in Africa has only four incisors .