(1) The Scots were able to ignore these failings in brushing aside the feeblest of Welsh challenges a fortnight ago.
(2) The rules ignore one important principle of cricket
(3) Sadly, despite complaints, Tesco takes no notice and continues to ignore the public.
(4) Ideologues of left and right have tended to acknowledge one and ignore the other.
(5) All of this is true so far as it goes, but it ignores the one big question: Who is going to pay for all of this?
(6) At the same time, ignoring political questions means actually weakening our ability to fight on economic issues.
(7) My boyfriend is not too keen on them, but the Professor just shrugs and ignores him.
(8) Essex motorists are widely ignoring new rules banning the use of hand held mobiles in cars, figures released by police reveal.
(9) He considered ignoring his mother's cry but when his father and sisters joined in, he looked back to see what they had to say.
(10) She deliberately ignores the conversation and refuses to listen to the audible words.
(11) The Bosnian government was accused of disregarding local legislation and ignoring human rights.
(12) In spite of much literature that ignores the question, it cannot be infinite.
(13) He then breezed past the fans on his way to the clubhouse, ignoring the pleas for acknowledgment from behind the ropes.
(14) You totally ignored his pleas you should stop, leaving him to bleed to death.
(15) These are all offensive, but somewhat ignorable , qualities.
(16) To wind up in court, employers must have blatantly ignored the warnings issued by labour inspectors.
(17) They may choose to terminate friendships if they perceive that a partner refuses to share or ignores their feelings.
(18) She has been sulking since she climbed out of the bed, ignoring me and refusing to answer my questions.
(19) He ignores the weather, intent on arriving at his second destination.
(20) Still, this hardly puts enough of a blight on the play - if anything, MacDonnell is eminently ignorable - to stop me from recommending it unreservedly.