(1) Each room is bright white and practically identical to the next, with only minor differences.
(2) According to Emily's father, Ross looks almost identical to his porcelain-complexioned daughter.
(3) The survival rate for men in America is nearly identical to women.
(4) Just as identical twins are unique people, not the same person split in two.
(5) Studies of identical twins suggest that your baseline metabolism is determined at birth.
(6) It's always different, and no situation is identical to anything else.
(7) This show was almost identical to the afternoon show, with a song or two swapped out on the set list, plus a song from Silver as a favor to label owner, Cory.
(8) The bakers Warburtons are running a TV commercial for a new loaf that is identical to a wholemeal loaf - except that it is white.
(9) The audience will be made up of groups including identical twins and students (the rest will be confirmed).
(10) The new towns today are not identical to the blueprints that birthed them.
(11) These two things are identical
(12) My sister is Reese, and she's my identical twin, but our personalities are like night and day.
(13) He was playing a tune that was almost identical to Rod Stewart's Sailing but wasn't quite, presumably for copyright reasons.
(15) They were identical twins, though, and they loved each other's company.
(16) For the final day, Torrance has picked an outfit identical to the one he wore while sinking that putt 17 years ago.
(17) The scam is almost identical to one three years ago when a group of South Africans trying to con another Asian entrepreneur were caught in a police sting.
(18) In his place now stands Cary, Grant's identical twin brother plus an extra hundred pounds.
(19) They found it in several Impressionist paintings in which some of the main visual themes were identical to myopic vision.
(20) And in this film, more than any before it, the generated people look almost identical to the real thing.