রসিক, কৌতুকপূর্ণ কাহিনী-রচয়িতা
(1) Someone who acts speaks or writes in an amusing way.
(2) Comedian.
(1) I am a gregarious person and have always been given to being a humorist , but I am also an observer.
(2) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Yes it has, hasn't it,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb says the Oxfordshire humorist , writer, entertainer, comedienne and broadcaster.
(3) The humorist kept the balance of satire by laughing at his own follies and doings.
(4) Like all the best writers on religion, Anna was a humorist .
(5) But a humorist would choose a different answer.
(6) He is one of the most unique and well-known American writers of the twentieth century, known as both a humorist and a humanist, always reminding us with a reassuring irony not to give up on the human race.
(7) He wasn't funny, in the recognizable joke - telling way; he was a humorist , which someone once defined as a standup comic who's a nice fellow but doesn't make you laugh.
(8) But for a humorist , the wrong kind of seriousness can be fatal.
(9) This can be the combination of orator, humorist , speech writer, or playwright.
(10) A humorist probably doesn't u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510playu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb much, but he's happy to be working.
(11) Since a comedian requires ingenuity, while a humorist can coast on a querulous attitude.
(12) Eddie, the writer's father, was a humorist and legendary editor.
(13) This situation completely changed the rules of the game for humorists , at least in my case.
(14) You'll meet authors and artists, mothers and fathers, cops and lawyers, gamers and hackers, cooks and waitresses, humorists and essayists.
(15) Comediennes, humorists , film stars and other famous women mouth off.
(16) Most contemporary newspaper humorists are sitting in his shadow, whether they realize it or not.
(17) This German group so far consists of a few amateur humorists , and seems unlikely to grow larger.
(18) I go back to my original ambition of 1980: I wanted to be on the shelf with the classic 20th century American humorists .
(19) Little children will leave this movie believing that stammerers and girls with glasses, buck teeth and amorous intentions are ideal subjects for humorists .
(20) Two of these books are by men with something of a reputation as humorists .
comic writer
funny man/woman
stand-up comic