TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 2
What's the word, hummingbird?
(1) Tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight
(1) Like other birds, hummingbirds communicate through both auditory and visual signals.
(2) The principal characteristic that sets hummingbirds apart from all other birds is their mode of flight.
(3) Nectar-producing plants are very popular for attracting hummingbirds and orioles.
(4) Without the ability to hover, hummingbirds would not be able to obtain nectar from flowers.
(5) Thus, hummingbirds represent an ideal system in which to gain understanding of how animals achieve energy balance.
The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 2
What's the word, hummingbird?