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English to Bangla Meaning of hog - শূকর



বরা, শূকর, বরাহ, দন্তায়ুধ, শূকরছানা, খাসি-করা শূকর, ইতর নোঙরা লোক, লোভী লোক

Definitions of hog in English


(1) A person regarded as greedy and pig-like.

(2) A sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared.

(3) Domestic swine.

(4) A sheep up to the age of one year.

(5) One yet to be sheared.

(6) Pig.

(7) Glutton.


(1) Take greedily; take more than one's share

(2) Take greedily

(3) Take more than one's share

(4) Be selfish

Examples of hog in English

(1) He rode a large wild hog into battle usually with two roman candles under his arms, screaming his battle cry u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Heeey youuu guuuuuys!u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb

(2) He and Marvin had had a long conversation last night about motorcycles and he was probably going to claim the hog as his own.

(3) Never one to hog the limelight or to go in search of the headlines, he did Trojan work for people in a quiet and unobtrusive way.

(4) Others will selfishly hog a space all day and not give fellow drivers a fair chance to park conveniently.

(5) Many actors just want to hog the limelight and be in front of the camera all the time.

(6) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Leave it to my sister to hog all the attention at my party,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Rachel sighed.

(7) He makes no attempt to hog the limelight, but even among a strong team of actors there's no question who's the most gifted performer.

(8) An unmarked young hog born in the woods, however, could be claimed by the first person to find it.

(9) Not only do they hog the best table all evening, but for some odd reason customers seem to gravitate to tables far away from the throne.

(10) Our King was, in a simple statement, a greedy, power-hungry covetous hog .

(11) The winner is undefeated after three outings and is sure to hog the limelight in the coming months.

(12) In the wild, the pygmy hog lives in small family groups of about four to five individuals, comprised of one or more adult females and accompanying juveniles, and occasionally an adult male.

(13) At a certain lodge in East Africa for example, a little girl was seen leaning out of a window, trying to touch a giant forest hog , a large wild pig the size of a donkey, with a reputation of ripping hunters and their dogs with fearsome tusks.

(14) He wants to hog the limelight and shout about what he believes, and to do that you have to be populist, brash and confident.

(15) Here in South Texas there is always the possibility of encountering a 300 lb. feral hog while turkey hunting.

(16) Farther along we saw a feral hog that was foraging within ten feet of the road - and so many armadillos we quit counting.

(17) This included eradication of mosquitoes, plus elimination of non-native species such as water hyacinth by flooding with salt water and trapping nutria and feral hogs .

(18) The buck and its tall, thick rack had vanished, replaced by a herd of feral hogs that vacuumed the corn.

(19) Their scientific name means u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510water hogu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb and indeed their bodies are hog-like , but they are rodents.

(20) I despised anyone who was not describable as a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510gentlemanu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, but also I hated the hoggishly rich, especially those who had grown rich too recently.

synonyms of hog





TV series example of the word

Edison was kind of a
publicity hog and a bully.

The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 8

Edison was kind of a publicity hog and a bully.

You are a bully, a credit
hog and a self-promoter.

The Big Bang Theory Season 11, Episode 8

You are a bully, a credit hog and a self-promoter.

No one's going to believe
you're a hog farmer if you eat them all.

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 9

No one's going to believe you're a hog farmer if you eat them all.

- No!
- This your hero? This hog?

Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 7

- No! - This your hero? This hog?

I'm as stupid as that hog
you stuck back in the village,

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 7

I'm as stupid as that hog you stuck back in the village,

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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