যকৃত্যুক্ত, যকৃতের উপকারসাধক, যকৃত্-সংক্রান্ত উপকারসাধক
যকৃতের ব্যাধির ঔষধ
(1) Pertaining to or affecting the liver
(1) The combination of gastrointestinal haemorrhage and hepatic encephalopathy indicates a poor prognosis.
(2) Hepatorenal syndrome occurs in patients with chronic liver disease and advanced hepatic failure.
(3) The smaller bile ducts converge within the liver to form the hepatic duct outside the liver.
(4) Nonalcoholic fatty liver is defined as hepatic steatosis in the absence of alcohol use or another chronic liver disease.
(5) Liver metastases frequently present with multiple hepatic lesions on diagnosis.