ঝুলপি-সেলাই করা
(1) No data available
(1) A twin hemstitch needle is also available with one wing and one universal shaft.
(2) Maria speaks flawless English and I always feel an old fashioned lady-of-the-house pride in sorting out with her flower and hemstitch patterns.
(3) In its basic form, the classic cocktail napkin is a small, hemstitched square of linen or cotton.
(4) It's as if 100 years later the profession had finally the opportunity to wrestle itself away from its association with u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510 hemstitching u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb work that isn't skillful, just plain old women's work.
(5) Make sure the napkin has a well-stitched edge - a hemstitched napkin works best.
(6) Sharp's use of testimony attesting that library science be distinguished from hemstitching helps us understand attitudes about women's work in the nineteenth century.