ঊষর প্রান্তর, গুল্মবিশেষ
(1) A low evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae; has small bell-shaped pink or purple flowers
(2) A tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation
(3) A low evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae
(4) Has small bell-shaped pink or purple flowers
(5) A tract of level wasteland
(6) Uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation
(1) Horses were being exercised on the heath
(2) While out riding in 1711, she came upon an area of open heath , not far from Windsor Castle, that looked an ideal place for u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510horses to gallop at full stretch.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(3) The white, purple and red flowers of heath bloom in early to late winter in the north except in bitter cold.
(4) The marshland gave way to heath and sandy scrub
(5) By then, it had become obvious that it was pointless converting poor sandy soils or reclaiming heath for arable, and pine forests were planted instead.
(6) The draft map published in December shows what the Agency regards as u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510open countryu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb - mountain, moor, heath and down land or registered common land to which the new access rights will apply.
(7) Sometimes I add extra leaf mould for heath or moisture-loving plants, or seaside sand for coastal plants in a trough.
(8) Previously unexplored corners of the countryside will be unlocked, allowing people to walk freely over mapped areas of mountain, moor, heath and registered common land as of May 28.
(9) The coloured sandstone - golden, purple and orange - shows itself among the native heath and shrubs.
(10) Heath vegetation
(11) There's more moorland and open heath here than woodland, more gorse and heather than noble oak.
(12) The main threat to the species comes from loss of habitat - a reduction in the area of lowland heath or changes in forestry practice.
(13) This could have been due to the onset of warmer and wetter weather, as until then the landscape had been characterised by woodland and heath , but raising water levels killed the trees and the mire began to form.
(14) After an hour this high ground offers a panoramic view of an unspoilt, uncharted, expanse of wild heath covered moorland stretching out in all directions as far as the eye can see.
(15) She was told there was a designated flying area on the heath and by-laws could not be changed.
(16) Access rights will not take effect until 2005, when definitive maps of the mountains, moorland, heath and common land covered by the legislation will be complete.
(17) A three-month public consultation will now start on areas of mountain, moorland, heath and downland previously off-limits, but now designated open for access through the Countryside and Rights of Way Act.
(18) Peaty soils dominated hollows and lower slopes with tallish heather, and subalpine soils dominated the freely drained ground with short heath .
(19) The winter heath is blooming heavily and the summer heather is standing erect with foliage in gorgeous hues of bronze, coral and red.
(20) Coastal heath vegetation is particularly colourful this wildflower season.