খাদ্যবহনার্থ ঝোলাবিশেষ
(1) A bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
(1) Each man had a blanket slung over the left shoulder, and carried a fair-leather bag or haversack .
(2) His shoulders ached from hauling the haversack filled with things unnecessary; his right arm felt strained from the weight of that rifle.
(3) Over one shoulder he carried a haversack full of food.
(4) She'd packed beef sandwiches for lunch, tomato sandwiches for tea and she put them in a haversack which I carried.
(5) He set out with few possessions - just a haversack , a pair of shorts and a couple of jumpers.
(6) Each soldier usually started a movement with three days of food, pre-cooked, in his haversack .
(7) Haver is the Yorkshire dialect word for oats from which the cakes were made and could also be the origin of the word haversack , part of a soldier's equipment used for carrying a ration of oatmeal.
(8) She stuck her head out of the stall to see Arlan in a sweeping black cloak, a haversack over his shoulder, a scowl on his face.
(9) He reached into his haversack , broke off a small bit of the army's version of a cracker, put it in his mouth and began to chew.
(10) Yuen picked up his haversack and slung it between his shoulders, each strap resting on each blade.
(11) Putting the haversack onto her shoulders, she walked briskly down the street, turning the first corner she saw.
(12) If you don't attend many conferences you won't have noticed that it seems to be fashionable to give out rucksacks, backpacks and haversacks as freebies to delegates.
(13) Wearing wool uniforms and carrying haversacks and rifles that can weigh up to 30 pounds, they will march for miles under an oftentimes blazing summer sun.
(14) They walked with their webbing packed full of ammunition and in their haversacks they carried five days' bully beef and biscuits and a minimum of personal gear.