TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 11
They gave Tomas a gun.
বন্দুক, কামান, রাইফেল, বন্দুক দাগিয়া নির্দেশ, রিভলভর, বন্দুকধারী সৈনিক, তোপ, অগ্নি-বর্ষক, কামান-গর্জন
(1) A weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel
(2) Large but transportable armament
(3) A person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability
(4) A professional killer who uses a gun
(5) A hand-operated pump that resembles a pistol; forces grease into parts of a machine
(6) A pedal that controls the throttle valve
(7) The discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies
(1) Shoot with a gun
(1) No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun .
(2) As fast as she could gun the car without being pulled over, she rushed from the airport to the monolithic Apath building.
(3) It will bring an end to the longest-running saga in the spirits sector but also fire the starting gun on another round of brand-swapping.
(4) The tinkle of the bell as the door opens pistols me as though it were a starting gun .
(5) The boom of the one o'clock gun echoed across the river
(6) The Resurrection was the starting gun and the return of Christ is the final whistle.
(7) At drop off the teacher shoots a starting gun and I sprint from the building and peel out of the parking lot to go and do things.
(8) Last Saturday, the first race under the new name took place at Sparrows Den, in West Wickham, with Will's mother Jan firing the starting gun .
(9) The race for the White House In just eight days, the starting gun will fire for America's presidential election 2000.
(10) A hired gun
(11) It's as if we are waiting for a starting gun to signal us to go.
(12) Open moor to a horse is as good as a starting gun : they know the places they usually gallop, and most will gallop them whether you like it or not.
(13) The starting gun was sounded last week to launch the presidential election campaign in Chechnya.
(14) It was normal gun with metal bullets, but the speed at which he pulled the trigger was amazing.
(15) The starting gun sends camels bolting forth in a graceful blur, then a long-stride gallop that is as precise as a quarter-horse trot.
(16) The threat from all types of firearms, be it a real gun , a replica weapon or an airgun is increasing and action must be taken now.
(17) As silently as he possibly can, he fills his gun with bullets and revolves it, preparing to take aim.
(18) The news was like a starting gun to the physics world.
(19) The starting gun was sounded by Evan's grandfather James Tiernan.
(20) Then, with a loud explosion, the gun fired, and smoke filled the tunnel.
Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 11
They gave Tomas a gun.