(1) Is it spontaneous, promulgated by a third party, or the result of a growing, longstanding grudge ?
(2) Until such a time, we cannot grudge women demanding separate bus seats or special attention in queues.
(3) And who could grudge her the comfort of a family just the other side of a common wall?
(4) Some grudge it because it stands on the way of their goal.
(5) Sometimes they'll peck at a particularly luscious flower or leaf, too, but there's enough there and to spare so I don't grudge them their dietary needs.
(6) For example, one might carry a grudge or feelings of guilt for years.
(7) We simply have more important business to attend to right now than nursing an old grudge .
(8) Boy, these guys sure do bear a grudge , don't they?
(9) No one can deny Naipaul's writing skill or grudge this award for a lifetime of literary hard work.
(10) Ah well, I don't grudge her that moment of bitter victory.
(11) I don't grudge anyone their share of designer labels - wear 'em if it makes you feel good.
(12) A simple man, Ramesh does not grudge cricketers getting all mileage.
(13) I'll only harbour a grudge against you for the rest of my life.
(14) Maximising profit is in the nature of the animal, and if we want democratic choice, we cannot grudge commercial media exercising theirs.
(15) But this is your last chance to preach to me, so I wouldn't grudge you the taking advantage of it.
(16) I mean, I grudge nobody an honest living, but can they still be going?
(17) I don't grudge him it but he pays more in tax than I was being offered.
(18) Miss Ironside seems to have had some grudge against her
(19) I don't grudge him his moment of triumph
(20) Do you have a longstanding grudge against a relative?