TV series example of the word

Vikings Season 1, Episode 2
The gospel of St. John, I wanted to save it.
দৃঢ়ভাবে প্রচারিত নীতি, দৃঢ়ভাবে প্রচারিত নিয়ম
(1) The four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
(2) An unquestionable truth.
(3) Folk music consisting of a genre of a cappella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response; influential on the development of other genres of popular music (especially soul.
(4) The written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group.
(5) A doctrine that is believed to be of great importance.
(6) Four books in the New Testament that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings.
(7) A genre of a capella music originating with Black slaves in the United States and featuring call and response.
(8) Fact.
(9) Doctrine.
(1) The gospel of God's love has come to us not simply as a written message or an oral announcement, but first of all as a person, a living word.
(2) Why does the scripture condemn anyone who rejects Jesus Christ and the gospel of Christ?
(3) Mere religion is man trying to jump up to God; the gospel is God sending Christ down to pay the price for man's sins.
(4) That is the political theology entailed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
(5) Yet it is not possible to restrict the bonds of affection denominationally without denying the gospel of Christ.
(6) The gospel of Jesus Christ is not for sale, even among the poorest of us who have no money.
(7) On this night, everything will be tied together, and the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly and forcefully proclaimed.
(8) It is indeed the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to break down the walls between us.
(9) The process ends with faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, spiritual rebirth and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
(10) They say, many young people will not listen to the gospel or come to church so we must meet them on some common ground.
(11) As Paul preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, the words sank into Lydia's mind and heart.
(12) In our gospel reading today, Jesus makes an incredible offer to his listeners.
(13) Brother Hugh McKinney read the first scripture reading and the gospel was read by Canon Mark Diamond.
(14) It is the Church's mission to preach the gospel
(15) But don't take my very biased opinion as the gospel on this subject.
(16) For the neoliberal gospel of free markets is something to be imposed on others.
(17) Does the Roman Catholic institution hold to and believe in the biblical gospel ?
(18) When we do this we can use dinosaurs, fossils and DNA as tools to share the gospel of Christ.
(19) Having missed the gospel show, the idea of catching up with The Holmes Brothers was essential.
(20) When witnessing the gospel of Jesus Christ to someone where, if anywhere, do you feel that the creation message becomes relevant?
Christian teaching
the truth
gospel truth
Vikings Season 1, Episode 2
The gospel of St. John, I wanted to save it.