(1) At the end we hugged and kissed each other goodbye , and he gave me his new address and email, and promised to be in touch.
(2) Belinda is just thinking about going home when Kevin comes up and hugs her goodbye .
(3) The family didn't make it in time to say goodbye , but we know she was in excellent hands.
(4) Jan, Eve and Penelope were all ready for the off as we went to say goodbye .
(5) After we had waved everyone goodbye , the Gamekeeper wandered in to confer about concrete.
(6) He walked me back towards my hotel when I was due to meet Roger and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek to say goodbye .
(7) What fun it was interviewing them as they politely wished me a last goodbye and headed for the hills.
(8) It was now time to say goodbye , an emotional moment with promises of returning soon.
(9) We got along really well, and it would have been fine, but he kissed me goodbye .
(10) One of the trains began to set off so my three-year-old son started to wave goodbye .
(11) We go to say goodbye , and instead of a handshake I get not one kiss, but two.
(13) Papa remained stoic for the most part, but sounded rather choked when he wished me goodbye .
(14) We parted ways shortly before noon and under a brilliant, sunny sky we said goodbye .
(15) I'll go over for a few hours, have dinner with Mama and Papa, wish them goodbye and all that.
(16) We say goodbye , demanding that each other look after ourselves and the best of luck.
(18) He was taken away from us without saying goodbye
(19) As I left for the airport, my daughter ran alongside the taxi and we waved goodbye .
(20) As they came up to the glass sliding doors quite a crowd of boys waved goodbye .