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English to Bangla Meaning of gnash - কড়্মড়

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কড়্মড়, কড়্মড় শব্দ


কড়্মড় করা

Definitions of gnash in English


(1) Grind together, of teeth

(2) Grind together

(3) of teeth

(4) Grind

Examples of gnash in English

(1) The dog's jaws were primed to gnash

(2) My claws flash and my teeth gnash , making grinding noises in my ears.

(3) Growls curl out of my throat, my teeth gnash in my mouth.

(4) She gnashed her teeth together and narrowed her eyes.

(5) He roars and snarls at the crowd, his eyes rolling, his teeth gnashing .

(6) When they announced they were going on a cruise, I was gnashing my teeth thinking, how could they abandon their babysitting duties?

(7) Kay's eyes flew open and she leaped at Jon, fists clenched, teeth gnashing and Aya and I could barely hold her back.

(8) Heathcliff is routinely described during the course of the narrative as grinding, clenching, and gnashing his teeth.

(9) This must have had wildlife campaigners gnashing their teeth, but it doesn't seem to have upset the animals, which got to me before I'd even had breakfast.

(10) His face was flushed with indescribable rage, his teeth gnashing with his eyes bulging.

(11) Just a year ago, people were gnashing their teeth that the US was lost and it was time to leave to friendlier climes.

(12) So the whole thing becomes an anti-climax that set my teeth gnashing once again.

(13) Sharp snaggled teeth gnashed at her as if the demon didn't realize who it was she faced.

(14) I imagine she's spent many nights since gnashing her teeth, even as I grit mine thinking of her pain.

(15) He gnashed his teeth together and fumed silently.

(16) When I last checked in on their message board (some time in March, I think?) to see if there was word of a UK tour, all the UK fans were still gnashing their teeth over the absence of plans.

(17) I'm not gnashing my teeth at finishing second so often - and some of them have been painful, believe me.

(18) So at least I'm not delivering the platter to my DVD player with my teeth gnashing in fury.

(19) Teeth gnashed in senior common rooms: could the university not support one expert in Sogdian?

(20) The avalanche scene will be the talking point of the film, which was, in a word, spectacular, but my favourite bit was when Diesel is staring at a brick wall and starts crying and gnashing his teeth.

synonyms of gnash






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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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