(1) No data available
(1) During the compressive phase, the glottis is closed and the expiratory muscles start to contract.
(2) The diagnosis is definitively established by visualization of the glottis when the patient is symptomatic.
(3) To speak Carrier you have to get in touch with your glottis .
(4) The extrinsic muscles of the larynx control the degree of tension on the vocal cords, and the intrinsic muscles regulate the glottis .
(5) Pass the deflated cuff along the right side of the blade through the visualized glottis .
(6) The Valsava response occurs when air is forced against a closed glottis (the narrowest part of the larynx, through which air passes into and out of the trachea).
(7) In bulbar patients, a nonfunctioning glottis can cause an uncomfortable choking sensation, making mouth pressure measurements difficult.
(8) The closed shutter maneuver was performed with the subject's glottis open and the cheeks held firmly with his hands.
(9) Hiccups in dogs, just as in people, are caused when a spasm of the muscular diaphragm creates a sudden inhalation followed by a closure of the glottis .
(10) It is possible that the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510breath holdingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb episodes the child exhibited previously were in fact intermittent and momentary obstruction of the glottis by the tonsil.
(11) Cough, pronounced coff, is onomatopoeic in origin, from the sound of the closure of the glottis plus the sound of air whizzing or wheezing through the trachea.
(12) Now one of the alternative pronunciations of which really does involve u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510an aspirating H soundu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, that is, noise generated by turbulent flow of air through the glottis .
(13) The glottis suddenly closes and stops the inflow of air resulting in the sound of a hiccup.
(14) Interestingly, Valsalva maneuvers against pinched nostrils and closed glottis did, however, produce upward deflection of the eyes.
(15) Then the blunt wire was introduced inside the trachea when the glottis was open.
(16) Expiration is a passive recoil of lung and chest tissues and in the presence of glottic obstruction a dangerous cycle arises.
(17) A syndrome of airway swelling in the glottic and subglottic area of viral origin.
(18) Irregular adduction can be superimposed on a fixed reduction of the glottic area caused by tonic adduction of the vocal cords.
(19) If so, consider a posterior polyp that flops in and out of the glottic opening as the patient changes position.
(20) Taking the word u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510bottleu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb as an example, the double t's are not pronounced but replaced with a glottic sound, which interestingly does not have a letter of the alphabet to signify its existence.