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English to Bangla Meaning of glorify - কীর্তন করা

ঈশ্বরের মহিমা কীর্তন করা, অর্চনা করা, আরাধনা করা



কীর্তন করা, সুখ্যাতি করা, মহিমান্বিত করা, প্রশংসা করা, স্তব করা, গুণকীর্তন করা, গুণগান করা, স্তুতি করা, কীর্তন গাত্তয়া, পূজা করা, চমত্কারিত্ব দান করা, দু্যতি দান করা, জয়গর্ব প্রকাশ করা, সুখী করা, সৌন্দর্য দান করা

Definitions of glorify in English


(1) Praise, glorify, or honor.

(2) Bestow glory upon.

(3) Elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration.

(4) Cause to seem more splendid.

(5) Praise.

(6) glorify.

(7) or honor.

(8) Elevate or idealize.

(9) in allusion to Christ's transfiguration.

Examples of glorify in English

(1) We economists emphasize efficiency over equity, glorify greed, and exalt the achievements of free markets, to name just a few.

(2) His fame comes from films that, in general, glorify violence and backwardness.

(3) Determined to glorify God with her life, she willingly set aside one objective after another until she discovered that only in God's time and way could her deepest desires be fulfilled.

(4) A text purporting to describe a battle may have been composed to glorify the victor or excuse the loser.

(5) How exciting it is to use our spiritual gifts to glorify God and to grow to know the heart of a servant.

(6) One is the attitude of excellence, you know, to seek to excel and glorify God with the gifts and talents and abilities that he has given us.

(7) Essentially, church leaders are asking what it costs to operate the ministry that can glorify God.

(8) The purpose of marriage is to glorify God as is taught by creation, redemption and eschatology.

(9) Your end as man - who is soul as well as body - is to glorify God and enjoy him for ever.

(10) The majority of the film is set in Connecticut, and the production design is admirable, since it does not attempt to glorify the characters' lower class surroundings.

(11) There are positive aspects to his book, such as his emphasis on the need to glorify God in all that we do.

(12) The good thing is that he doesn't glorify the old violence.

(13) In fact, I would say much of television does glorify violence.

(14) Our television shows, our video games, our music, and our movies all glorify violence.

(15) The film does not glorify war and certainly does not present its characters as heroes.

(16) Working for the church is a ministry, not a career; one does it to glorify God, not for remuneration.

(17) Music is used to glorify God

(18) Our purpose - to glorify and love our Creator - is not based on any particular state of our biological development.

(19) Adam and Eve were not only to glorify God in behavior, but they were to offer intelligent glory and praise to God.

(20) But in our zeal to do that, we go after everything that resembles violence or seems to glorify it.

synonyms of glorify





Antonyms of glorify











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