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English to Bangla Meaning of gentle - মৃদু



মৃদু, ভদ্র, মৃদুমন্দ, নম্র, অমায়িক, অল্প, মন্দ, ধীরপ্রকৃতি, লহু, আনম্র, অনুগ্র, অক্রূর, ক্রমান্বয়ী, শান্তিস্বভাব, সদ্বংশজাত, সুশীল, শীতল


নরম করা, শান্ত করা, উপশম করা, কম করা, হ্রাস করা, কমিয়ে দেত্তয়া, কোমল করা

Definitions of gentle in English


(1) Soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe

(2) Having or showing a kindly or tender nature

(3) Quiet and soothing

(4) Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy

(5) Easily handled or managed

(6) Having little impact, or light

(7) Marked by moderate steepness

(8) Soft and mild

(9) Give a title to someone

(10) Make someone a member of the nobility

(11) Stroke soothingly

(12) Having a mild or kind nature

(13) Mild

(14) Temperate in effect on senses

(15) Of noble birth

Examples of gentle in English

(1) It still surprised her that a part of Arlan could be so gentle and tender, that he wasn't all the hard exterior he seemed to be.

(2) Mel was clambering down a gentle slope, loosening bits of rocks and soil, towards what he supposed was the Cobalt River.

(3) Wandering down the gentle slope to the lake we put last week into perspective and start thinking next week will probably turn out reasonably OK.

(4) The hole was about eighteen feet across and lay just over the rim of a low hill that rose in a long gentle slope from the side of our farm.

(5) You can also employ gentle persuasion and subtlety to excellent effect.

(6) Along the gentle slope of the mountains, the quarry stretched across an exposed cliff face.

(7) Just before I pass out, strong yet gentle arms pick me up.

(8) A cleanser, astringent, gentle abrasive and mild bleaching agent, baking soda is a true all-purpose beauty aid.

(9) The long grass ripple like the ocean waves under the surprisingly gentle sea breeze.

(10) Yet the softness of the edges of the silhouettes and the equal softness of the charcoal surfaces produce a soothing, gentle effect.

(11) The first part of the hill was quite easy - a gentle slope that flattened off into a brief plateau.

(12) May was a gentle person who retained a well balanced perspective on life throughout her long years.

(13) These sediments accumulate to form the large, gentle slope of the continental rise.

(14) The new trail rounds the curve out more, and at the same time provides a slightly more gentle slope.

(15) Acceptance is the tender and gentle process of opening our hearts to others, to ourselves, and to our common ground of suffering.

(16) Kind and gentle in his manner always, he spent his life caring for others and never thinking of self.

(17) The sea-floor has been described as extraordinary flat and exhibiting a very gentle slope towards the shore of an almost level land.

(18) In my early training days, I was taught that the first thing a real trainer did was to gentle a horse.

(19) The beloved is portrayed as gentle , sensitive, tender and compassionate.

(20) They were gentle people who went quietly about their lives, always willing and glad to be able to lend a helping hand to neighbours and friends.

synonyms of gentle










Antonyms of gentle






















TV series example of the word

Does she like it gentle
or rough?

Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 3

Does she like it gentle or rough?

Gentle men, rough men,
ugly men, pretty men, pretty girls.

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7

Gentle men, rough men, ugly men, pretty men, pretty girls.

Gentle, my lord.

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7

Gentle, my lord.


Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 7


Has he a good heart, a gentle hand?

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 2

Has he a good heart, a gentle hand?

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