(1) According to researchers, gender differences play a role in drug abuse and addiction.
(2) Nouns are marked for gender , number, and case as well as for definite and indefinite forms.
(3) She thinks the best way to level the playing field is to apply categories based on physical ability rather than gender identity.
(4) The group has been consistently focussing on its three major concerns of gender , culture and social activism.
(5) They have to agree in gender
(7) The latter is essentially a biological description, whereas gender is a social construct.
(8) It is a rule of Italian that the definite article has to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510agreeu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb with the noun in gender .
(9) The challenge now is to enlist technology as an ally in the movement for economic, social and gender equity.
(10) Nothing influences the experience of law more than the culture of gender roles in society.
(11) Male traditional gender roles were related only to the last step of seeking treatment.
(13) A major focus of the book is on using theories from social psychology to explain gender differences.
(14) Those that will go in hardest will be members of her own gender .
(15) The construction of male and female gender roles was masculinist in nature.
(16) One major reason for differences in gender roles is the need for power over the lives of other people.
(17) They argue that existing differences in the lives of women and men derive from cultural definitions of gender roles.
(18) The parents were instructed to unequivocally nurture his female gender role.
(19) The media gives us gender roles and social norms to mimic and worship as creed.
(20) Traditional concepts of gender