(1) I thought it was great in a way because I thought, gee , maybe we can get some sympathy for the press going finally.
(2) And in my youthful naivete I thought, gee , they like it.
(3) I agree that there should be a state-by-state analysis of this, and so one can in fact say, gee , do you approve of a particular wording of a constitutional amendment?
(4) All your friends are gift-shopping, party-hopping, trimming the tree and - gee !
(5) You know, your wife may ask, gee , what kind of an example does it set when this happens and everybody in the publishing industry will wring their hands, but unfortunately I think it will happen.
(6) I know I'm really a television talker, but gee , twice in my lifetime, somebody's offered me a record situation and I grabbed it and I'm so happy I did.
(7) And for a lot of people, they say, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510You know, gee , I get tired of this.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(8) I mean, gee , there were a lot of man-hours spent doing that gig, so the least I can say is, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Thank you very much.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(9) And I always thought, gee , daddy, look what I'm doing.
(10) But I thought, gee whiz , I want to do things differently.
(11) He pauses, shakes his head, then boisterously proclaims, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Aw, gee whiz , I guess that means the hot dogs are on me, gang!u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(12) This knockabout stuff seems to gee up the team for today's show.
(13) I just though I'd try for a little pre-game gee up .
(14) And he finally said something along the lines of, you know, gee whiz , I won.
(15) And, gee whiz , you would also understand the paternalistic attitudes of the time and the nature of defense of the country.
(16) When I am praising this Government, I say to it: gee whiz , it is starting to learn.
(17) As vice-captain and pack leader I know I have a responsibility to try and gee up the players.
(18) That's the hardest part of this whole job: walking into the changing-room at the final whistle and trying to gee up the boys.
(19) It comes across as a sort of gee whiz science museum exposition, one that proposes that the solutions to many of the world's problems are not only within our grasp, but that their solution is inevitable.
(20) He has taken to singing a song of his own composition at the end of his speeches, in order to gee up the troops, so to speak.