(1) It was blowing a gale
(2) Trying to measure insulin in a small yacht in a gale shows just how diabetes brings its excitements and inconveniences.
(3) When I returned to the car and unloaded my bags, I found a single car key on a ring lying by the back right tire. I was tired, R. had been cranky, and the wind was blowing a gale .
(4) She rocked from side to side, like a ship in a gale .
(5) It is true, though, that a few times each winter the harbor is hit by a southeasterly gale , its impact intensified by the fact that the harbor's open mouth faces in that direction.
(6) It was a force nine gale , a tad below a hurricane, and Rogue Wave was in a grand and powerful waltz.
(7) Six were washed ashore in a gale and pieces are still visible on very low spring tides.
(8) More significantly, I ceased to notice the rain, the sleet and the force-10 gale .
(9) In November 2000 they set off for a five-day training run and found themselves crewing the boat into the teeth of a force eight south-westerly gale .
(10) The Aran Islands lifeboat had broken loose from its mooring in a gale at the beginning of November.
(11) At the height of the gale , the harbourmaster radioed a coastguard on the spot and asked him to estimate the wind speed.
(12) At last he came near enough to where he was directly above it, and fighting against a hurricane-like gale to land.
(13) They are winds that put the mind in tumult, sweeping us along like ships in a gale , and as storms disturb the harmony of nature, passions are discordant and jangling.
(14) The wind was getting stronger, blowing up a real gale .
(15) It's been a roisterous time, filled with every strength and variety of wind from a ragamuffin breeze right through to a force eight gale , whipping in from the sea and over the moors.
(16) It was almost blowing a gale
(17) Mind you, as long as you can stop them blowing away, you could enjoy these chips in anything from a refreshing sea breeze to a force-9 gale .
(18) An unusual feature of the month was the frequency of strong winds, with gale gusts recorded at most stations.
(19) One night in May, soon after the Adventure arrived back at Ngamotu, an anchor rope broke during a terrible gale and the ship washed up on the beach.
(20) The service ended in 1903 when the Bowmore was torn from her moorings at Rosses Point during a gale , driven ashore on Oyster Island and wrecked.