(1) They caused a little fuss , but were soon subdued.
(2) Everyone knows that using gas appliances is better for the environment, and now there's a local business that can look after all your gas needs with a minimum of fuss .
(3) This video shows what happened in Atlanta that is causing all the worry and fuss .
(4) You can fuss a little with the lunge whip to move the horse forward but the most important driving aid or pressure is the position of your primary line.
(5) The problem was, I think, that we were arriving at what was probably the back end of it all and that residents of the area had started kicking up a bit of a fuss at being invaded on a yearly basis by hordes of the great unwashed.
(6) This is partly because I specifically chose a fairly straightforward, low-stress place so I can pursue my volunteer training with minimum fuss .
(7) In the application that Opel gave to the court, a huge fuss is being made about naming names.
(8) Incidents of civil disobedience are now jointly orchestrated by participants and police so they can be carried out with minimum fuss .
(9) We want you to be able to find your way around the newspaper with ease; to be able to locate a particular article or feature story with the minimum fuss .
(10) They settled in with very little fuss
(11) There's been a media fuss over the use of animals in this circus, but it seems misplaced.
(12) His analysis is that British socialism took a wrong turn in the 1940s, and that the fuss between private and public sector has no place in a party concerned about the ordinary person.
(13) It's all a lot of fuss and nonsense got up by some pesky civil rights activists, some of whom you can find here at Stand.
(14) A lot of unnecessary fuss is being created about the registration procedure required under the bill.
(15) This ludicrous fuss epitomises our confused attitude to official mourning.
(16) Insiders revealed that the handsome star was left with no choice but to retract his complaint quickly returned to work without a fuss .
(17) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510There is no room in my life for drugs, fights, divorce, adultery, sadism, unnecessary fuss and sex,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he says now.
(18) Finished one column this morning; composed the other on the way to work, and banged it out with a minimum of fuss and second guessing.
(19) My Aunt pointed out to me that we always fuss over Dad, but Mum's health isn't great, and it suffers along with my Dad's when something is wrong with him.
(20) However, I don't recall any fuss being made about the over-fishing of North Sea Cod to the degree that there are probably less cod left than there are whales.