(1) No data available
(1) An example in the Canterbury Museum, so immature that the tail-feathers are only two inches long, has more fulvous in the plumage and no indication whatever of a superciliary streak.
(2) His pants are a pale fulvous color and made of the sort of polyester material that never wrinkles.
(3) As warm spring temperatures return to the breeding grounds so do the fulvous whistling ducks.
(4) In flight fulvous shows a strong contrast between blackish underwings and tawny body, and a white rump band.
(5) It was a minute anatomical and generally descriptive account of the large fulvous Ourang-Outang of the East Indian Islands.
(6) The maximum age of a fulvous whistling-duck recorded in nature is 6 years and 6 months.
(7) ‘Maybe I cannot… ‘thoughtfully she stared at fulvous fallen faded leaves on the marble quay of deserted Heliopolis, ‘but what shall we expect now?’
(8) The fulvous whistling-duck's name comes from the hoarse whistling sound it makes and from its coloring.
(9) Small carnivores, hawks, owls and snakes are the principal predators of the fulvous harvest mouse.