TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 12
"You have to frisk me. I have another rocket in my pants."
উল্লম্ফন, নৃত্য
লম্ফ দেত্তয়া, ক্রীড়া করা, লাফালাফি করা, কুঁদা
(1) The act of searching someone for concealed weapons or illegal drugs
(1) Play boisterously.
(2) Search as for concealed weapons by running the hands rapidly over the clothing and through the pockets.
(3) Search.
(4) Cavort.
(1) He watches them flirt, frolic, frisk and fondle.
(2) The federal police will also frisk pilgrims, search their belongings and maintain order within their camps.
(3) The government itself brought in an amendment to ensure that a search of a person, whether a strip search or frisk , would be carried out by a person of the same sex.
(4) But such detection is allowed and is arguably a much lesser intrusion of privacy than, say, a frisk might be.
(5) Lin and Huang as well as five other people were asked to line up for a frisk .
(6) They will come and take you out to the back area, and they will do a bit of a frisk .
(7) The panel addressed the issue of whether probable cause to seize an object can arise during a frisk when a police officer knows the object in question to be narcotics.
(8) The bouncers accordingly started a five minute long frisk to ensure that they were not smuggling in any bottles of spirits.
(9) While the above examples have affected a few citizens, there is a much larger policy issue also at stake: the police have been authorized to stop and frisk any citizen whom they consider suspicious.
(10) Oh alright, I'll go and frisk , I suppose, if you insist.
(11) Unlike horses, these unicorns would not move until after they had been fed and groomed, and then they would take themselves out to the giant corrals to frisk among themselves.
(12) There was a man called Mr. Montaro Mori who was a student of the Tokyo Imperial University, which later became Tokyo University, and he and I and some others used to frisk around together.
(13) As the procession approached Hadleigh, he slipped off his horse, and leaped and took a frisk or two, as men commonly do in dancing.
(14) You don't get to see them frisk like that around the Suffolk sheds.
(15) He raised his arms to permit the officer to frisk him
(16) We were in Blackpool for a silly day trip, a tacky, idiotic day out to the seaside to frisk on the sands in mid-July.
(17) According to zoo staff, they are unable to fully prevent the entry of plastic as they have no powers to frisk people entering the zoo.
(18) If he knows that he could be frisked, he can place a non-metal explosive in a location that will not be disclosed by a frisk .
(19) As part of a countywide review, the court on Burneside Road, Kendal, now has an appointed security officer armed with a hand-held metal detector to frisk people entering the building.
(20) A frisk is a pat down on the outside of your clothing.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 12
"You have to frisk me. I have another rocket in my pants."