TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 22
...dressed like Friar Tuck?
খ্রীষ্টান ভিক্ষু
(1) A male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms
(2) A male member of a religious order that originally relied soley on alms
(1) He was a man who was in training to wear the brown robe of a Franciscan friar .
(2) Such language, even coming as it was from the mouth of a Dominican friar , was bound to get Savonarola in trouble.
(3) Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar , and a theological giant.
(4) As the prayer evolved, so did the congregation, grappling with an issue that Reamer says goes to the very core of his mission as a Franciscan friar .
(5) At the height of the indulgence sale, Martin Luther, an Augustinian friar from Germany, traveled to Rome and was shocked by what he saw.
(6) He was in early life a Dominican friar , but broke from his order and left Italy to avoid prosecution for heresy.
(7) It is possible that the panel was painted for a Franciscan friar - presumably someone of standing, or who had wealthy connections outside the convent.
(8) The family came to prominence when Francesco della Rovere, a Franciscan friar from an obscure noble family based in the far-flung Marche region, became Pope in 1471.
(9) While scholars had already located several copies of the other two, the Abbotsford House book is the only known translation by Osbern Bokenham, the Augustinian friar and poet.
(10) A Franciscan friar , much of Bacon's life is obscure, but he was born in Somerset and probably studied at Oxford before teaching in Paris.
(11) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Who are they,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Francis lamented towards the end of his life, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510who have torn my order and my friars from my hands?u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(12) When the first missionary friars arrived in what was then called New Spain, they decided to evangelize the indigenous peoples in their own languages.
(13) One document acknowledges an archdeacon's grant of the use of his books to a house of Franciscan friars , who were to keep the books when the donor died.
(14) Michael Robson analyzes the preaching and service of Dominican and Franciscan friars .
(15) Straub spent more than a year living with Franciscan friars working in impoverished areas all over the world, including India, Jamaica, and the United States.
(16) The foundation of the Dominican and Franciscan Orders of friars in the thirteenth century transformed the spiritual life of the Western Church.
(17) In the 1200's, members of new religious orders, called friars , began to work among the people.
(18) The laity, however, reserved their deepest respect for the celibate, highly-educated Franciscan friars .
(19) The Carmelite friars who made up the community in Leighlinbridge were Normans from the Carmelite Province of England where the two principal friaries were at Aylesford and Hulne.
(20) There is a further reason for the insistence on Francis's garden that is worth considering, namely, that its presence might have helped Thomas to legitimize Francis's new order of friars .
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 22
...dressed like Friar Tuck?