বিরত থাকা, পরিহার করিয়া চলা, পরিহার করা, রেহাই দেত্তয়া, ক্ষমা করা, বিরত করা, থামাইয়া রাখা, থামা, ধৈর্যধারণ করা, ক্ষান্ত করা, নিরস্ত হওয়া
(1) A person from whom you are descended
(1) Refrain from doing
(2) Resist doing something
(3) Not do something
(4) Resist the temptation to
(1) I know that for myself it makes no difference whether I do or forbear those actions which are reckoned excellent.
(2) Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
(3) Still, I could not forbear asking one more question as he walked away.
(4) I cannot forbear observing the philosophical significance of the fact that Autobiography fails to include a photograph of LeWitt himself.
(5) Rebecca could not forbear a smile
(6) I have forborne from commenting on the latest media circus about Australia's Governor General because of its sheer absurdity but I suppose I should devote a few words to it.
(7) I forbore to suggest that a farm dog's life spent chained, minimally fed and continually exposed to so many four-letter words that the dogs learnt to spell them was probably not the dogs' idea of heaven, either.
(8) Sidroc's anger now was only a small part of what he bore for Toki, and the reasons he forbore from killing him must be equally deep and old.
(9) So, having fastened her window, she forbore to close the shutters, and, propped against the pillows, she lay looking out through the window's casement, entranced by the view, the peace and beauty of that rural summer night.
(10) He had forborne his opportunity to acquire his title directly from the seller with whom he had negotiated for purchase of the farm.
(11) I forbore to add that Heather's mother still had two legs when she died in 1989.
refrain from
abstain from
desist from
keep from
restrain oneself from
stop oneself from
hold back from
withhold from
resist the temptation to (be)
decline to (be)