পুরান ধারণার, নীরস বুড়ো লোক, বুড়োহাবড়া
(1) Someone whose style is out of fashion.
(2) Square.
(1) No philosopher would jettison Plato just because it's old fashioned, nor would anyone mock the old fogy Whitman.
(2) Yeah, but neither of us is old enough really to be a fogy about this.
(3) And to start generalising about the supposed shortcomings of the next generation is an unmistakable symptom of fogeyism .
(4) Of course that was 22 years ago and thereafter we sank hopelessly back into old fogydom , but we do remember that high mark.
(5) It's all very well for old fogies , with their pensions and their paid-up mortgages, to wander ghost-like about their business in a tatty, run-down town, resisting change.
(6) We had started to think that this creeping fogeyism had something to do with the fact that Collings' own paintings are being ignored.
(7) We spend our days in a teeny tiny office, typing in medical details for old fogies and climbing over staff to reach the shelves to file things.
(8) He placed his faith in a stiff upper lip, and the grassroots who loved him were old fogeys .
(9) All of this fogeyish complaining stems from reading the title of this album, the debut from the Capitol Years.
(10) Suddenly it occurs to you there are worse possibilities out there than having your musical tastes and fashion sense consigned to the junk heap of fogydom .
(11) And at least one panelist on the closing plenary directly engaged the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510old fogeyism u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb of some senior scholars at the conference.
(12) Isn't that what an old fogey 's supposed to say?
(13) It's the competitive edge that keeps a lot of us old fogies going.
(14) The twins were still making life hell for the old fogies around us with their incessant u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Beatlemaniau251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb style screaming.
(15) And I ended, as old fogies are entitled to do by slagging off today's so-called operating systems, describing them as crude and inelegant.
(16) This probably means I am officially an old fogey .
(17) You look at the old fogies and you snigger, and then you shock yourself when you calculate how few years there are between you and them.
(18) Oh, well, I watch Teletubbies to relax, so no fogeydom in my future.
(19) Standing in queues is not easy for us old fogeys with worn-out joints.
(20) The ad tells us that she is young and hip and will tell us fogies what u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510phatu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb means.