(1) Several hostages were injured by flying glass.
(2) He may not know a flying drop kick from a toehold, but he created the opening salvo in a soon to be exploitation standard.
(3) Mark dodged a flying kick and tripped the second guard.
(4) A total of 31 soldiers were wounded, mostly by debris and flying glass.
(5) The primary risks in these injuries are being caught in the machine or being struck by flying objects.
(6) A Bald Eagle called Alaska swooped in on a flying visit and certainly attracted plenty of attention among the surprised shoppers on O'Connell Street.
(7) Without private flying in Namibia, the supply of Namibian commercial pilots will soon dry up and stop, he said.
(8) Randall ducked under the flying tackle and heaved a pass 60 yards off his back foot.
(9) Finally Billy was knocked to the mats by a flying kick.
(10) She immediately ran out of her room and took a flying leap at the intruder.
(11) None of us ever considered such flying to be unusual or hazardous, although of course it was.
(12) The only problem is the amount of flying ants about at the moment - only had to pick one out of the tagliatelle though.
(13) When he was five feet away, he jumped into a flying kick.
(14) This also includes such environments as deep sea diving, solo flying , and Antarctic overwintering.
(15) There is, for example, a set of food dishes in the stylized shape of flying plovers, their wings glazed a deep green.
(16) Residents said at least five civilians were also wounded by flying debris.
(17) Ever since humankind first had the capacity to wonder, the sight of a flying animal must have been astounding.
(18) It's no secret that one way to keep the hourly cost of flying under control is to own the airplane you fly.
(19) I'd been inside once before on a flying visit, and this was the first time I'd been in since when the weather was decent and the lighting made it worthwhile to take photos.
(20) For many flying animals, natural and sexual selection likely work in concert to promote enhanced maneuverability.