TV series example of the word

Westworld Season 2, Episode 4
By some fluke of nature I got myself a wife and a daughter
অপ্রত্যাশিত সাফল্য, আকস্মিক সাফল্য
(1) A stroke of luck.
(2) A barb on a harpoon or arrow.
(3) Flat bladelike projection on the arm of an anchor.
(4) Either of the two lobes of the tail of a cetacean.
(5) Parasitic flatworms having external suckers for attaching to a host.
(6) Flat blade-like projection on the arm of an anchor.
(7) Chance occurrence.
(1) It's the only song I scored as low as Switzerland which, through luck, fluke or divine intervention, received precisely the number of points it deserved: a big fat zero.
(2) And often the tail fluke of a whale or the back fin of a dolphin will show as a dark patch against the paler surface of the sea.
(3) Their victory was a bit of a fluke
(4) Some of them, by genetic fluke or bad luck, are not here even by choice, unconscious or no.
(5) I left that meeting with the shooters confident my experience was simply a fluke , an accident that was so unlikely it never could happen again.
(6) Pile said the fire was a fluke occurrence and doesn't indicate a problem with the submarines.
(7) There's a huge amount of fluke and chance and accident.
(8) And you'll never know the joy that fans in the rest of the country will experience when the fluke happens and the Yankees lose this year.
(9) Luck, in the sense of a fluke occurrence, had nothing to do with it.
(10) Contrary to what Bettman might think, a fluke occurrence can not be used as precedent: after all, a fluke occurrence is by definition rare.
(11) This is one of the critical times of the year when action should be taken to treat cattle for the control of fluke and worms.
(12) The fluke , a flatfish similar to flounder, scratched that special itch for me.
(13) When we got it last year we felt it was a bit of a fluke but then we turned around and did it two years on the trot.
(14) On Vanderlin, rubbish left by Asiatics: a wooden anchor with one fluke , three boat rudders of violet wood, remains of blue cotton trousers.
(15) Charlie's condition is a fluke so the chance of any future siblings having it are just one in 50.
(16) The fluke was a bit insipid, but then again this was a test-run: after this first experience, I'm willing to give anything Todd serves a second go.
(17) With flounder, sole, fluke , turbot, halibut, bass, trout, John Dory or orange roughy, we must tread lightly, especially with regard to bitterness.
(18) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510My modeling career was a bit of a fluke ,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she says.
(19) On the tiny chance it was a fluke , I'm banking on my artistic abilities.
(20) As may be imagined, this capture, not so much a fluke as a surprise gave me cause to rethink my fishing plans on the lake.
trematode worm
good fortune
Westworld Season 2, Episode 4
By some fluke of nature I got myself a wife and a daughter