(1) The time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms.
(2) Flowering.
(1) To do so, it is common to gain a measure of PSII electron transport using chlorophyll fluorescence .
(2) My pupils contracted painfully from the relentless fluorescence of the lights above.
(3) Tryptophan fluorescence is frequently used to learn about the properties of proteins.
(4) When a beam strikes the card, the material produces fluorescence in the visible spectrum.
(5) There are many familiar examples of fluorescence and phosphorescence in our daily lives.
(6) The emitted fluorescence light from the sample surface was collected through a quartz flow cell.
(7) Leaves were kept in darkness for 30 min before recording the fluorescence parameters.
(8) This is consistent with the weak dityrosine fluorescence observed under UV light.
(9) The abbreviations for chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and their derivation are as described previously.
(10) The reflected fluorescence was detected via photomultipliers.
(11) One of the main attractions of chlorophyll fluorescence is that it appears to give a measure of photosynthesis.
(12) The fluorescence is not visible because the background was subtracted in each spectrum.
(13) At each step of the dynamics, the instantaneous fluorescence lifetime was computed.
(14) This is because fluorescence at this wavelength is strongly absorbed by chlorophyll within the overlying cells.
(15) A laboratory technician checked urine for ultraviolet fluorescence indicating the presence of riboflavin.
(16) The content of the fluorescence was determined using quinine fluorescence as a standard.
(17) When illuminated with violet light, the tumour emits pink fluorescence that is detected by a highly sensitive camera.
(18) Second, it was established that cyan and green emitters can be modified so as to produce an intermediate spectrum of fluorescence .
(19) Our own observations showed that fluorescence was visible throughout the cytoplasm.
(20) At steady state, cells were centrifuged and the fluorescence of the supernatant measured.