(1) No data available
(1) For years, nitwits have been churning out flapdoodle like Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun and connect-the-dots management guides purporting to apply the wisdom of Machiavelli to the modern boardroom.
(2) When she heard what happened, she sighed, shook her curly-haired head and said of Learner, ‘What a flapdoodle !’
(3) People who are prey to dogmatic flapdoodle
(4) It looks like typical, classic, psychic flapdoodle to me.
(5) Four hundred pages of mystical flapdoodle
(6) The latest piece of flapdoodle concerns Downing Street's plans to dock child benefit from the parents of tearaway children.
(7) They are not swallowing in toto the old flapdoodle in the way that the preachers want them to do.
(8) Commentary has pretty much adopted him as their science guy, and he has published a steady stream of flapdoodle in their pages over the last decade.