(1) Serious problems of disrepair are often lurking unseen below the surface, with a backlog of home repairs it is estimated will cost u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255137 billion to fix .
(2) Where else, for example, could they get their daily gambling fix ?
(3) Both cover crops fix a lot of nitrogen and produce high yields of biomass that serve as organic matter to enrich the soil.
(4) I'm afraid that Katherine is seeking an instant fix for her problems and that she might be disappointed if the therapeutic process takes a bit more time.
(5) Imaginative and sophisticated workouts are evolving to engage dwindling attention spans or cash in on punters addicted to the endorphin fix .
(6) Then we went to the cafe in Borders bookshop because I was needing a coffee fix .
(7) Lupins fix gaseous nitrogen in their root nodules
(8) I hope he gets a really bad dose of whatever his fix is and never wakes up again.
(9) He is only too happy to feed her, fix her hair and makeup, and dress her in what appears to be his mother's clothing.
(10) There are no facts which fix the defendant with liability
(11) Obviously, his appointment was a fix
(12) None of this means that there will be an easy fix to the problems created by Katrina.
(13) A customer can report a dropped call or poor signal quality from a specific location, and the carrier can analyze data and fix the problem that day.
(14) He's sent her on ahead to fix things up
(15) Probably, some awards are a total fix ; but prestigious awards cannot be a total fix.
(16) What women more often than not want, says Gray, is empathy and understanding from men rather than a quick fix and solution.
(17) Lord Wilberforce stated that in order to fix vicarious liability on the owner of a car in such a case as the present, it must be shown that the driver was using it for the owner's own purposes, under delegation of a task or duty.
(18) We're going to get to the truth and then fix what went wrong.
(19) He goes to the bathroom to get his morning drug fix , and falls asleep on the porch with his son in his lap.
(20) If you are an NFL or College Football junkie, which I am, it won't be hard to get a fix this weekend.