(1) A window above a door that is usually hinged to a horizontal crosspiece over the door.
(2) A window in a roof to admit daylight.
(3) A semicircular window over a door or window; usually has sash bars like the ribs of a fan.
(4) A window above a door and hinged to a transom.
(5) A semicircular window over a door or window.
(6) Usually has sash bars like the ribs of a fan.
(1) Manda could see a semicircular fanlight over the front door as the Michael steered the jeep toward the front of wrought iron gate.
(2) The front door has a fanlight while the hall has an ornate centre rose and coving.
(3) A flight of granite steps leads to a front door with a fanlight .
(4) The principal doorways of both buildings are framed by pilasters and display graceful semicircular fanlights crowned with open pediments.
(5) The four corners of the facades are accented with tall wooden pilasters, and the two identical front doors with semicircular fanlights are framed by pilasters supporting molded cornices.
transom window