(1) What if we are suffering from a failure of imagination?
(2) Both the success and the failure of this movie are to be found in the author's treatment of the narrative.
(3) Plus, dealing with failure would require more than running to a shop with the receipt for a warranty exchange.
(4) During any sudden power failure , the system automatically switches to regular electricity.
(5) Symptoms of heart failure
(6) New national policies are doomed to failure if they are not part of an overall solution.
(7) To put it generously, this was a terrible failure of imagination.
(8) Colleges could face stiff sanctions for failure to comply with requirements, the bill states.
(9) In view of the role played by aneuploidy in carcinogenesis and in human reproductive failure , this omission is perhaps surprising.
(10) Hence, the high rate of hatching failure in bee-eaters requires explanation.
(11) A chance engine failure
(12) We fully expected each failure , because we knew quite well when we had broken the rules.
(13) Air crash investigators said engine failure may have been one of the factors to blame for the tragedy that unfolded near Hemingbrough.
(14) Key factors influencing the success or failure of the government's policy are likely to be psychological in nature.
(15) Ian Grant has suffered total renal failure and now requires dialysis three times a week.
(16) For this reason health should be the pre-eminent measure of the success or failure of development policies in the next century.
(17) The recent floods in Yorkshire were lamentably derivative and showed a complete failure of creative imagination.
(18) A sudden power failure
(19) It is what the people expect and its failure to govern decisively is the source of popular disillusion with Scottish democracy.
(20) There has been an inadequate emphasis in some cases on real discovery, which requires a tolerance of failure .