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English to Bangla Meaning of fagot - লাঠি



লাঠি, জ্বালানি কাষ্ঠের আঁটি, পাঁজা

Definitions of fagot in English


(1) Offensive term for a homosexual man

(2) A bundle of sticks and branches bound together

(3) Offensive terms for an openly homosexual man


(1) Ornament or join (fabric

(2) Fasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them

(3) Bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot

(4) Ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch

Examples of fagot in English

(1) She threw an extra fagot in the fire and when she examined him, Raine noticed for the first time how young he really was.

(2) Between the Neanderthal's bundle of burning faggots and the blinding blue glare of the modern headlight, man has brightened the darkness in a number of ingenious ways.

(3) These faggots are placed in the forge hearth until they have attained a strong welding heat.

(4) When the plotters breached the cellars at Westminster, Fawkes set the explosives under a pile of faggots .

(5) Harder rocks were broken down by u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510fire-settingu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb, a process in which the rock face was heated by burning faggots against it, and then quenched with water, causing the rock to fracture.

(6) The faggots of blistered steel are made by binding in a bundle, around a bar of double that length, four pieces of eighteen inches long, which are secured in their positions by a small band of wrought iron, which is subsequently removed.

(7) Are you are aware that faggot means bundle of sticks?

(8) Trade union boss Ernie Bevin lit the faggots to his political funeral pyre in October 1935 at Labour's Brighton conference, in a ferocious speech which had Virginia Woolf in tears.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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