TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 4, Episode 9
And it's really explosive. Bad Tex-Mex
অগ্নিচূর্ণ, অগ্নিচূর্ণক, বিস্ফোরক
(1) Serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst.
(2) Liable to lead to sudden change or violence.
(3) Sudden and loud.
(4) Tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst.
(5) Volatile.
(6) Dangerous.
(1) A chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas
(2) A chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck
(3) Something that blows up
(1) Increased birth rates and immigration have resulted in explosive growth in elementary and secondary school student enrollments.
(2) The explosive growth of hedge funds has certainly increased the volatility of markets.
(3) Willingness to negotiate and compromise, when appropriate, helps regain control of an explosive situation.
(4) The flowering of classic Russian cuisine coincided with the rapid economic expansion and explosive growth of the middle class in the aftermath of Alexander II's liberal reforms.
(5) Whatever the motive for the shooting, political experts are quick to point out that even the threat of political violence can have an explosive effect.
(6) In other words, the explosive increase in the number of passenger cars and licensed drivers over the past decade resulted in poor education in driving etiquette and traffic rules.
(7) She wasn't trained extensively in weaponry and ballistics, but it never really was hard to place the sound of a thermal explosive going off.
(8) In a separate incident, a branch near the capital was damaged by a explosive device made from small cooking gas cylinders.
(9) It sounds simple: an explosive charge in a metal body that's designed to break up into fragments upon detonation.
(10) Dramatic improvement in storage technology, coupled with the explosive growth of the Internet, has fundamentally changed the way in which storage is used.
(11) You spoke about the growth and development of an explosive upsurge in the working class in America, and the working class coming onto the scene of history.
(12) As it turned out before bedtime I played witness to one of Mia's explosive temper tantrums.
(13) If anything, she has found being a woman has its advantages in terms of defusing explosive situations.
(14) Several homes in nearby have already been demolished after suffering a potentially explosive build-up of the gas, which is known to miners as Fire Damp.
(15) The article contained potentially explosive material, yet its contents pass by the editors without comment.
(16) As we reported, the military today said it discovered sarin nerve gas in an explosive device, an artillery shell, in fact.
(17) The tremendous speed with which they abandoned all their previous standpoints is a measure of the depth and extent of the explosive contradictions tearing society apart.
(18) Economic collapse, with the resultant decimation of health and social care, has led to the explosive increase in the number of TB cases.
(19) To carry out his plan, he purchased more explosive devices and assembled two remote control devices.
(20) The two powerful explosive charges being laid are expertly placed.
Breaking Bad Season 4, Episode 9
And it's really explosive. Bad Tex-Mex