(1) The appellant's explanation to police was u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I was chasing goatsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(2) I cannot see at the moment any satisfactory explanation for the six-month delay.
(3) A likely explanation for this difference in light sensitivity is a difference in chlorophyll accumulation.
(4) This matter demands an explanation
(5) If you need further explanation, contact me
(6) Now, the university assures that there is a rational explanation for the cases.
(7) The birth rate is central to any explanation of population trends
(8) The reason she did it needs no explanation
(9) One explanation for the delay is the weather
(10) Nonetheless I do not accept the appellant's explanation concerning his passport.
(11) The explanation given by the volunteers helped people understand concepts in a better way.
(12) Thus, no one perspective alone provides adequate explanation for the phenomenon of loan default.
(13) Her behaviour defies explanation
(14) We should not try to seek a simple explanation for the failure to achieve numerical equity because none exists.
(15) The explanation of the anecdote's use begins with a return to the rhetoric of travel writing.
(16) We weren't given an explanation
(17) Each image in this lavishly illustrated book is accompanied by a detailed explanation .
(18) My application was rejected without explanation
(19) Freud tried to make sex the explanation for everything
(20) Each paragraph contains a detailed explanation in easy-to-understand terms.