(1) Make amends for
(1) It is absurd to indict a whole people or to banish a whole people to some historical purgatory where they can expiate their sins.
(2) King Lear is a metaphorical description of one man's journey through hell in order to expiate his sin.
(3) Founded exactly 25 years ago, this group of ostentatious do-gooders vow u2018to promulgate universal joy and expiate stigmatic guiltu2019.
(4) Abby and Scott sublimate their guilt while Buddy tries to expiate his through a material gift.
(5) This is promoted by a system of rituals which reinvoke and celebrate the original passions of the primal crime, designed to expiate feelings of guilt.
(6) Like a zealot who demands a public flagellation to expiate his sin, Martin's thirst for punishment grows until his mental health is in doubt.
(7) For three centuries inhabitants of the Sertao have relied on pilgrimages to sacred sites, deep into this inhospitable land, to expiate their sins, acquire amulets, and simply exchange news.
(8) If you got involved in some crime and you had to expiate your sins, you didn't go to the local courts, you went to the local priest and you made an appropriate offering.
(9) U2018I'm clear in my mind about the need to expiate our collective guilt as a society,u2019 said the party leader.
(10) This is not simply the story of a gentle, deluded old man whose attempts to expiate his guilt were poorly judged.
(11) In speaking of criminal justice it states that the punishment should be u2018proportionate to the gravity of the offenseu2019 and that it may avail to expiate the guilt of the offender.
(12) If we follow the ascetic method of punishing ourselves in order to expiate our u2018sins,u2019 we will never have the chance to understand our minds properly.
(13) The professor sees in his pupil a chance to expiate past sins.
(14) No penance would ever expiate the sin against free government,u2019 he said, u2018of holding that a President can escape control of executive powers by law through assuming his military role.u2019
(15) Any expiatory rite is focused on the human predicament - on the problem of sin or cultic impurity.
(16) He died in his forties in a sanitarium, unvisited by Eugene, who, twenty years later, wrote this expiatory play.
(17) It's a wraparound justification for a violence whose real end is the expiation of shame through massacre.
(18) It needed expiation - atonement to remove guilt and the liability of punishment.
(19) The attempted assassination was an act both of expiation and of restitution.
(20) Even supposing that punishment may effectively protect us in the future, we consider that it must be, in the first place, an expiation of the past.
(21) I agree with you David, and I think this is the way that he deals with his problems, and in fact the way he expiates his guilt.
(22) Accordingly, he sees storytelling festivals as large expiatory and redemptory rituals of an almost religious kind.
(23) The Fast of Atonement was instituted in expiation of a mortal sin and observed as a day of penance and mourning.
(24) The souls of the dead are led before him and he reminds them that they themselves are the authors of their fate and are alone responsible for the expiatory punishment they are about to undergo.
(25) Am I expiating the crime of slighting my father so much?
(26) In an expiatory sacrifice the blood which is shed is regarded as wiping out a transgression.
(27) He bears all patiently, and at the end of that period an angel tells him that his sins are expiated and he is restored to his family and possessions.
(28) His perjury has now been completely expiated , and is very unlikely to recur.
(29) This matters less than that the injury be expiated and honour restored.
(30) He is to be sacrificed to ensure the sins of the settlement are expiated .
atone for
make amends for
make up for
do penance for
pay for
make good