নির্বাসিত ব্যক্তি, দেশত্যাগী ব্যক্তি
নির্বাসিত করা
(1) A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country
(2) Voluntarily absent from home or country
(3) Person thrown out of a country
(1) Expel from a country.
(2) Move away from one's native country and adopt a new residence abroad.
(3) Throw out of a country.
(1) I'd also want to know if he's ever considered becoming an expatriate .
(2) Striking oil workers holding expatriate staff hostage agreed to release them on Friday.
(3) However, even after Independence in 1947, British expatriate firms did not suddenly divest from India.
(4) The truth is that an American expatriate has a foreign income exclusion.
(5) A great deal is expected of expatriate workers, but many organisations underestimate the nature and severity of the difficulties faced by workers when they go abroad.
(6) This court normally comprises expatriate judges, currently including representatives from Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
(7) This became a major issue as the population of expatriate children fluctuated; little English was spoken outside of group activities.
(8) He is an expatriate rebel leader from the Spanish Civil War living in France.
(9) A multinational firm gives cash to immigration officials so they will promptly grant legitimate visa requests for their expatriate employees.
(10) Do expatriate writers and artists create cultural continuums that have more to do with a sense of regional internationalism than the binary of motherland and exile?
(11) It was a golden opportunity for him to see the living conditions of expatriate labourers who live in the camps, braving the scorching heat and adverse conditions.
(12) The European Union was more frank, when it withdrew its expatriate staff last week because of what it described as the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510general tension and uncertaintyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb in the country.
(13) An American expatriate now living in Barcelona, Spain, she and her husband teach English and French.
(14) Most avant-garde works, if they sell at all, go to expatriate business-people and diplomats - and now to Western art dealers and museum curators on buying trips.
(15) The information is used to assist multinational companies in determining compensation allowances for their expatriate workers.
(16) Fiji's Court of Appeal - comprised of expatriate judges - ordered the restoration of the Constitution and the staging of elections.
(17) The journal started its existence in 1930 by soliciting the opinions of expatriate writers about Proust's art and its possible influence.
(18) The only people who turned up for work were expatriate teachers in management and those on temporary contracts.
(19) I am American, sometimes I wish I could expatriate but at the moment that just isn't an option.
(20) Women are very happy to work extremely hard on a project when an outsider such as an expatriate advisor or consultant, takes responsibility but will not take the initiative to begin a process.
living abroad