(1) Since I am an expat European here in New Zealand, the issue of dual nationality has been bugging me for over a decade.
(2) So, Americans, where shall we go to form our own expat colony?
(3) Johannesburg, where many expats settle, is in the process of transforming its centre with new apartment and office blocks.
(4) The local baker makes brown bread specially for the expats .
(5) Another database would manage employment info for expats and their family members who want to work.
(6) However, it's a really friendly little place, run by various European expats .
(7) Local hospital presidents are ambitious to attract more expats as well as travellers through lower costs.
(8) Political intrigue, both in the host country and between the expats , only adds to the sense of drama.
(9) Drawing on her experience in this country, the only advice she would offer other expats is to see all that Bulgaria has to offer.
(10) They were great expats - warm and friendly they assimilated into our society quickly and strongly.
(11) New York's East Village is filled with both Japanese expats and a ton of sushi restaurants.
(12) Many expats will be more comfortable with this full-service brokerage than with the more faceless online trading firms.
(13) The ad was for an expat magazine, and it focused on helping expats fit into Singapore culture.
(14) We don't have a financial services authority or ombudsman in many of the countries where expats are.
(15) When I read an item about a corporate baseball league made up mostly of expats in Shanghai, the old urge reared its head.
(16) The aim of this highly contentious policy is to restrict the numbers of expats who may otherwise end up settling in Bermuda on a more permanent basis.
(17) Companies generally need to pay expats more than locals and there's a lot more red tape to go through to get them in.
(18) Sean was obsessed with dissecting his market into expats and locals.
(19) What advice does Jim, who has made being an expatriate his way of life, have for other expats ?
(20) I've talked with many expats and their suggestions run from the sublime to the subversive.