(1) The study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating
(2) The study of methods of improving genetic qualities by selective breeding (especially as applied to human mating)
(1) Not today, anyway, though there have been times when it has: social Darwinism and eugenics made claims like that.
(2) An example is the notion of eugenics , a painful memory in the history of science.
(3) A world not only of eugenics , but also of tight government control over all aspects of human reproduction.
(4) But the origin of eugenics was simply a desire to increase the odds that a child would be born healthy.
(5) It was a drastic form of eugenics , a desire to improve the race by eliminating genetic defects.
(6) After World War I they were less sanguine about progress and more inclined to the hereditarian pessimism of eugenics .
(7) In the United States in recent years, interest in eugenics has centered around genetic screening.
(8) As the explosion in genetic research continued, the temptation of eugenics grew ever more alluring.
(9) Just to stop us getting too excited, we were cautioned by stories of eugenics and mutant pigs.
(10) He devoted the latter part of his life to eugenics , i.e. improving the physical and mental makeup of the human species by selected parenthood.
(11) In Erlangen, the University keenly promoted the science of eugenics .
(12) He believes the history of eugenics is the history of government out of control, not geneticists.
(13) Not only was eugenics said to be good science, it was also supported by Scripture.
(14) Once you've got regulated breeding, it's a short skip to selective breeding - eugenics .
(15) His enduring fame, or infamy, rests on eugenics , which means, crudely, the selective breeding of humans.
(16) And as you know eugenics is defined as the science of improving the qualities of the human race.
(17) Although critics insist that eugenics was based on bad science, they often ignore the link to evolution.
(18) Racism and eugenics were very popular among Leftists in Hitler's day.
(19) Clearly, contemporary views of heritability are populist market eugenics in a new form.
(20) It is easy to criticise the premarital medical examination on grounds of human rights, control, oppression, and eugenics .