TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 7
Right. You're Howard's entourage.

The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 23
an invaluable part of my entourage.
পরিপার্শ্ব, পারিষদ্বর্গ, পরিবেষ্টনী, অনুগামী লোকজন
(1) The group following and attending to some important person.
(2) Followers.
(1) He arrived in his plane with an entourage of officials and media people from Cameroon.
(2) The court and the royal entourage were the great centres of power.
(3) An entourage of loyal courtiers
(4) The bouncer at the door obviously had no idea of how important our entourage was.
(5) An entourage of friends and activists, four lawyers and embassy staff came with us.
(6) An entourage of bodyguards
(7) Grass huts were erected and the chief and his entourage held court in the largest one.
(8) A tall woman in a black dress appeared from a rear room surrounded by an impressive entourage .
(9) The entourage will travel in two identical 747s and be accompanied by a third chartered Jumbo.
(10) Quickly he scribbled all the important items that came to mind and then the entourage continued on its way.
(11) Twenty years on, he is still protected by a loyal entourage and the mystique remains.
(12) Some stars have big entourages but he's quite a private man and he does not have loads of people going around.
(13) Besides hauling around oodles of stuff, including monarchs and their entourages , the plump pachyderms became the weapon of choice for ancient warriors with lots of time on their hands.
(14) These are the entourages that follow important people around, made up of advisors, heralds, messengers and servants.
(15) The Shire Hall was the scene of much pomp and ceremony when the Assize courts sat and the red-robed judges with their colourful entourages arrived to a fanfare of trumpets after attending the traditional church service in St Mary's.
(16) The whole city was taken over: stars and their entourages occupied the best suites in hotels and booked out the top restaurants.
(17) The cavalry were too numerous to be maintained solely by the king; rather, each of the seven great town-chiefs had to support, in his own sector of the capital, ten noble warriors and their entourages .
(18) As for areas populated by those destined to remain at home during the summer, brides and grooms and their entourages tour local fu00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00bctes in which the loudspeakers are strategically placed to ensure no one is deprived of their blast.
(19) Mark looked out on the Senate chamber surrounding him and watched as the countless delegates and their entourages made haste to leave the stuffy Senate chamber.
(20) In this Hollywood awards season, the piles of free stuff being handed out - to nominees, award presenters, performers and members of their entourages - is escalating.
The Big Bang Theory Season 1, Episode 7
Right. You're Howard's entourage.
The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 23
an invaluable part of my entourage.