(1) The spirit of enterprise is alive and kicking in Scotland.
(2) Insufficient domestic demand was the main impediment to enterprise activity.
(3) The first step was for Susan to undertake a health and safety training course run by her local county enterprise board.
(4) Many view the European project as an enterprise of long conversations with little change.
(5) It shows enterprise and the ability to get on with other people, and these are often better guides to character than academic achievement.
(6) Integration between business processes within the enterprise is the first step.
(7) For the sake of Britain's future I want every child enthused with the spirit of enterprise .
(8) Occasionally labour contracts encouraged enterprise on the part of the operatives.
(9) Success came quickly, thanks to a mixture of talent, enterprise, and luck
(10) The spirit of enterprise depends on this will to win.
(11) You are a business-an enterprise with a quality based product line, and skilled knowledge base.
(12) As well as growing more common, the enterprise has become more organised.
(13) It took a number of coincidences and lots of good luck to release this strong spirit of enterprise hidden in them.
(14) A state-owned enterprise
(15) Over u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu2551338 million will be spent on local enterprise through the County Enterprise Boards.
(16) It is at this point that the idea of a joint enterprise , be it marital or based on cohabitation, becomes crucial.
(17) Scotland needs many more people like them with ambition, courage and a strong spirit of enterprise .
(18) Along the way, there are some moments that threaten to take the entire enterprise completely off the rails.
(19) This venture is new, with the view to help those people who love to develop local enterprise by promoting home produce.
(20) It is scientific, economic, friendly to both enterprise and the environment - and it works.