মহান করা, উন্নত করা, মর্যাদা-সম্পন্ন করা
(1) Confer dignity or honor upon.
(2) Give a title to someone; make someone a member of the nobility.
(3) Give a title to someone.
(4) Make someone a member of the nobility.
(5) Honor.
(1) The theater is a moral instrument to ennoble the mind
(2) The theatre is a moral instrument to ennoble the mind
(3) I can also urge you to live now in the knowledge that your son's passing ennobles our nation, just as I trust it will now ennoble you.
(4) To walk on another world, or even to make the attempt, would ennoble every member of the human race.
(5) We live by telling our own story, and that story can either ennoble us or demean us.
(6) It has been estimated that in the period 1774 to 1789, a total of 2,477 men were ennobled , and the numbers, if anything, were rising slightly directly before the Revolution.
(7) He was ennobled by the Emperor of Austria, allowing him to use the honorific u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Ritter vonu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb before his surname.
(8) Well-to-do commoners used their money to acquire public office and landed property, which in turn paved the way for ennoblement .
(9) Also, speaking from personal experience, following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ has had an ennobling effect on my character.
(10) When he was ennobled in 1964, someone remarked he should take the title Lord Corridor of Power.
(11) Whatever the motivations of those who supported his ennoblement , however, there was no disguising the pettiness of those who opposed it.
(12) It still gratifies us today to read George Orwell: we feel ennobled by him.
(13) Besides her ennoblement as a Dame in 1993, her awards included the TS Eliot Prize and the British Literature Prize.
(14) Dedicated in 1921 as a monument to World War I's common soldier, the Tomb ennobles the common people of a democratic society.
(15) Meanwhile - long before any of his music appeared in print - he was ennobled and, in 1702, made Chevalier de l' Ordre de Latran.
(16) For Black, the high point of his life's work came in 2001 when he was ennobled after renouncing his Canadian citizenship.
(17) Mountbatten's title was therefore a courtesy one until he was ennobled in 1946 as Viscount Mountbatten of Burma.
(18) The family was ennobled and, in 1546 attained a peak of prosperity.
(19) Most religions and some of the more grouchy philosophers teach that suffering ennobles us - it makes us better people.
(20) Only after two years' delay was her favourite admitted to the Privy Council, and he was not ennobled as Earl of Leicester until 1564.